Baked Goods and Preserved Foods: Adult Division


1. Individuals 18 and under are not eligible to enter exhibits in the Adult Food Exhibit Division.

2. Baked Goods

  • Each baked good item in the guidebook has a notation regarding amount or portion to be exhibited. Please refer to these notes in preparing your entry.
  • With the exception of whole cakes, baked goods must be exhibited on plain white disposable plates, enclosed in plastic bags. Whole cakes must be presented on a cardboard base not to exceed 13 inches square and 12 inches in height, covered in plastic wrap or removable clear plastic dome.

3. Canned Foods

  • While it is not usually the practice at Highland County Fair, entrants should be aware that canned items could be opened by judges to determine final winner.
  • All canned foods are to be exhibited in clear American standard quart, pint and a half, pint, or half pint jars, as appropriate for the category. Please review category-level requirements in the guide to ensure you are using the correct size jar and recommended headspace. Jars are required to have a two-piece lid band and lid. Mayonnaise style jars and lids will be disqualified. Jar bands should be clean and free of rust, inside and out.
  • Labeling – Quart and Pint Jars: Jars should be labeled with Item Name and Date Processed. Use a plain white label no more than 1” X 3” and place on the side of the jar, approximately ½” up from the bottom. Half-Pint jars can use a smaller plain white rectangular or round label with Item Name and Date Processed placed on the bottom of the jar.

4. Vinegars

  • Minimum jar size for this class is 1 pint. Vinegars may be presented in jars or bottles appropriate for vinegar type; they need not be in canning jars. All lids should be unmarked and rust-free.
  • Labeling – Quart and Pint Jars: Jars should be labeled with Item Name and Date Processed. Use a plain white label no more than 1” X 3” and place on the side of the jar, approximately ½” up from the bottom. If a slimmer bottle is used, a smaller plain white rectangular or round label with Item Name and Date Processed placed on the bottom of the jar is acceptable.

5. Dried Foods

  • Any dried food item may be open at the discretion of the judges.
  • All dried foods are to be exhibited in clear American standard pint and a half, pint, or half pint, as appropriate for the category. Please review category-level requirements in the guide to ensure you are using the correct size jar. Jars are required to have a twopiece lid band and lid, but do NOT need to be sealed. Jar bands should be clean and free of rust, inside and out. Mayonnaise style jars and lids will be disqualified.
  • Labeling – Pint & a Half and Pint Jars: Jars should be labeled with Item Name and Date Processed. Use a plain white label no more than 1” X 3” and place on the side of the jar, approximately ½” up from the bottom. Half-Pint jars can use a smaller plain white rectangular or round label with Item Name and Date placed on the bottom of the jar.


  • An adult with the most Foods Exhibit entries in Dept. D will receive $5.00 in addition to any other prize money awarded. Must have at least 5 entries in Dept. DAdult Food Exhibits to be eligible for award.


  • One “Judge’s Choice” award will be presented in each of the following adult categories: Baked Goods (I-VII); Jams, Jellies, etc. (VIII); Pickles (IX); Vegetables (XI); Fruit (XI); and Dried Food (XII). In addition to the ribbon, winner will receive $5.00 in prize money.

Exhibiting Rules & Regulations




In keeping with the 2024 Fair Theme “Growing Traditions Together”, the Baked Goods and
Preserved Foods Department would like to highlight your family’s heritage of generational
recipes. If you have recipes that have been handed down generation to generation, we encourage
you to honor these traditions by submitting entries based on these family favorites. If you do,
please include with your entry a photo image of or a rewritten family recipe with a few notes on
how this recipe originated and has been kept alive through the years. All entries with family
recipes attached will be judged according to Fair guidelines, and then pulled for a special display
for Fair attendees to see. Please do not include your treasured original recipe pages or cards.



Entries in this section are to be displayed on a plain white disposable plate, enclosed in a plastic bag.

1. Biscuits, Baking Powder (4)
2. Biscuits, Gluten-free (specify type) (4)
3. Biscuits, Other not previously listed (specify type) (4)
4. Bread, Artisan (1/2 loaf)
5. Bread, Banana (1/2 loaf)
6. Bread, Corn (1/2 loaf)
7. Bread, Dill (1/2 loaf)
8. Bread, French (1/2 loaf)
9. Bread, Gluten-free (specify type) (1/2 loaf)
10. Bread, Pumpkin (1/2 loaf)
11. Bread, Salt-rising (1/2 loaf)
12. Bread, Sourdough (1/2 loaf)
13. Bread, Sweet Yeast (cinnamon, raisin, etc.) (1/2 loaf)
14. Bread, White Yeast (1/2 loaf)
15. Bread, Whole Wheat Yeast (1/2 loaf)
16. Bread, Zucchini Bread (1/2 loaf)
17. Bread, Other not previously listed (specify type) (1/2 loaf)
18. Coffee Cake, Yeast (1/2 loaf)
19. Muffins, Corn (4)
20. Muffins, Gluten-free (specify type) (4)
21. Muffins, Plain (4)
22. Muffins, Other not previously listed (specify type) (4)

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



Entries in this section are to be displayed on a plain white disposable plate, enclosed in a plastic bag.

1. Brownies (4)
2. Brownies, Other not previously listed (specify type) (4)
3. Cookies, Applesauce (4)
4. Cookies, Bar (4)
5. Cookies, Chocolate Chip (4)
6. Cookies, Filled (any kind, specify filling) (4)
7. Cookies, Ginger (4)
8. Cookies, Gluten-free (specify type) (4)
9. Cookies, Ice Box (4)
10. Cookies, Maple Syrup Flavoring (4)
11. Cookies, No-Bake (4)
12. Cookies, Oatmeal (4)
13. Cookies, Peanut Butter (4)
14. Cookies, Pumpkin (4)
15. Cookies, Rolled (4)
16. Cookies, Snickerdoodle (4)
17. Cookies, Sugar (4)
18. Cookies, Other not previously listed (specify type) (4)

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



Fudge and candy entries must be presented on a plain white disposable plate, enclosed in a plastic bag.
Maple sugar cakes must be entered under Section XII only.

1. Candy, Dipped (4)
2. Candy, Mint (4)
3. Candy, Other not previously listed (specify type) (4)
4. Fudge, Butterscotch (4)
5. Fudge, Chocolate (4)
6. Fudge, Maple Syrup (4)
7. Fudge, Peanut Butter (4)
8. Fudge, Other not previously listed (specify type) (4)

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



Cake entries in this category require a ¼ portion of the cake, on a plain white disposable plate, enclosed in a plastic bag.

1. Angel Food, not iced (1/4)
2. Applesauce, not iced (1/4)
3. Fruit, cake using fresh or canned fruit (1/4)
4. Gluten-free (specify type) (1/4)
5. Iced, Burnt Sugar Layer (1/4)
6. Iced, Carrot (1/4)
7. Iced, Chocolate Layer (1/4)
8. Iced, German Chocolate (1/4)
9. Iced, White Layer (1/4)
10. Iced, Yellow Layer (1/4)
11. Maple Syrup, cake flavored with Maple Syrup (1/4)
12. Pound, not iced (1/4)
13. Sponge, not iced (1/4)
14. Other not previously listed (specify type) (1/4)

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



All cakes must be on cardboard base not to exceed 13 inches square and 12 inches in height, covered in plastic wrap or removable clear plastic dome. Cakes will be judged on decorating only; artificial forms may be used. Four (4) cupcakes or four (4) cookies should be placed on plain white disposable plates, enclosed in plastic bag.

1. Decorated Cake (Whole Cake) **Cake must have an obvious theme: wedding, birthday, graduation etc.
2. Decorated Cookies (4)
3. Decorated Cupcakes (4)

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



Items will be judged on the way the mix is “dressed up” to create a different product.

1. Cakes (cake mixes modified) (1/4)
2. Candy from icing mixes (4)
3. Cookies from cake mixes (4)
4. Cupcakes from cake mixes (4)
5. Other Creative Use of Mixes, not previously listed (specify type) (Quantity as examples above)

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



Only pies that do not require refrigeration will be accepted. Pie slice must be on a plain white disposable plate, enclosed in a plastic bag.

1. Apple (slice)
2. Blueberry (slice)
3. Cherry (slice)
4. Peach (slice)
5. Other not previously listed (specify type) (slice)

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



Minimum jar size for this section is ½ pint. Recommended headspace for all products in this section is ¼ inch. Jar bands should be clean and free of rust, inside and out.

1. Butter, Apple
2. Butter, Peach
3. Butter, Pear
4. Butter, Other fruit butter not previously listed, specify type
5. Jam, Blackberry
6. Jam, Blueberry
7. Jam, Cherry
8. Jam, Peach
9. Jam, Plum
10. Jam, Raspberry
11. Jam, Rhubarb
12. Jam, Strawberry
13. Jam, Strawberry Rhubarb
14. Jam, Other jam not previously listed, specify type
15. Jelly, Apple
16. Jelly, Blackberry
17. Jelly, Cherry
18. Jelly, Currant
19. Jelly, Crab Apple
20. Jelly, Elderberry
21. Jelly, Grape
22. Jelly, Mint
23. Jelly, Peach
24. Jelly, Pepper
25. Jelly, Plum
26. Jelly, Raspberry
27. Jelly, Sugar-free (any flavor)
28. Jelly, Other not previously listed, specify type
29. Marmalade, Orange
30. Marmalade, Peach
31. Marmalade, Other not previously listed, specify type
32. Preserves, Cherry
33. Preserves, Peach
34. Preserves, Plum
35. Preserves, Rhubarb
36. Preserves, Strawberry
37. Preserves, Tomato
38. Preserves, Other not previously listed, specify type

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



Minimum jar size for this class is 1 pint for pickles and vinegars; ½ pint for chutneys and relishes. Vinegars may be presented in jars or bottles appropriate for vinegar type; they need not be in canning jars. Labeling guidelines should be followed appropriately to jar or bottle type. Recommended headspace for products in this section is ½ inch. Jar bands should be clean and free of rust, inside and out.

1. Chutney, Any flavor
2. Pickle, Apples – Pickled or Spiced
3. Pickle, Beets
4. Pickle, Bread and Butter
5. Pickle, Cauliflower
6. Pickle, Cinnamon
7. Pickle, Cucumber, dill
8. Pickle, Cucumber, sour
9. Pickle, Cucumber, sweet
10. Pickle, Dilled Beans
11. Pickle, Icicle
12. Pickle, Mixed Vegetables
13. Pickle, Peaches – Pickled or Spiced
14. Pickle, Pears – Pickled or Spiced
15. Pickle, Squash
16. Pickle, Sweet Mixed
17. Pickle, Watermelon Rind
18. Pickle, Other not previously listed (specify type)
19. Relish, Beet
20. Relish, Chow-chow
21. Relish, Corn
22. Relish, Cucumber Pickle Relish
23. Relish, Mixed Vegetable
24. Relish, Pepper
25. Relish, Other not previously listed (specify type)
26. Vinegar, Basil
27. Vinegar, Tarragon
28. Vinegar, Other not previously listed (specify type)

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



Minimum jar size for this class is 1 pint. Recommended headspace for all products in this Section is 1 inch, except as noted on specific classes below. Jar bands should be clean and free of rust, inside and out.

1. Beef
2. Chicken (1¼ inch headspace, recommended)
3. Mincemeat
4. Pork Sausage
5. Pork Tenderloin
6. Ribs and/or Backbones
7. Seafood
8. Soup, Meat Mixture
9. Spaghetti Sauce with Meat
10. Venison
11. Other not previously listed (specify type)

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



Vegetables containing meat products must be entered under Section X. Minimum jar size for this class is 1 pint. Recommended headspace for products in this section are: Fruit (1/2 inch); Fruit Juice (1/4 inch); Fruit Syrup (1/2 inch); Fruit Pie Filling (1 inch); Fruit Syrup (1/2 inch). Canned vegetables should have 1 inch headspace, except as noted on specific classes below. Jar bands should be clean and free of rust, inside and out.

1. Fruit, Applesauce
2. Fruit, Blackberries
3. Fruit, Blueberries
4. Fruit, Cherries
5. Fruit, Huckleberries
6. Fruit, Peaches
7. Fruit, Pears
8. Fruit, Plums
9. Fruit, Raspberries
10. Fruit, Other canned fruit (specify type)
11. Fruit Juice, Apple
12. Fruit Juice, Grape
13. Fruit Juice, Other fruit juice (specify type)
14. Fruit, Pie Filling (specify type)
15. Fruit, Syrup (specify type)
16. Vegetable, Beets
17. Vegetable, Black Eye Peas
18. Vegetable, Carrots
19. Vegetable, Corn, creamed
20. Vegetable, Corn, cut off
21. Vegetable, Green String Beans (fancy pack)
22. Vegetable, Green String Beans
23. Vegetable, Lima Beans or Butter Beans
24. Vegetable, Peas
25. Vegetable, Potatoes, red (diced)
26. Vegetable, Potatoes, red (whole)
27. Vegetable, Potatoes, sweet (diced)
28. Vegetable, Potatoes, white (diced)
29. Vegetable, Potatoes, white (whole)
30. Vegetable, Rutabaga
31. Vegetable, Sauerkraut
32. Vegetable, Shelled Beans
33. Vegetable, Soup Mixture
34. Vegetable, Tomatoes, quartered (1/2 inch headspace)
35. Vegetable, Tomatoes, whole (1/2 inch headspace)
36. Vegetable, Tomatoes, stewed (1/2 inch headspace)
37. Vegetable, Tomato Juice (1/2 inch headspace)
38. Vegetable, Wax Beans
39. Vegetable, Other canned vegetable not previously listed (specify type)
40. Sauce, Chili
41. Sauce, Ketchup
42. Sauce, Pizza Sauce
43. Sauce, Salsa (1/2 inch headspace)
44. Sauce, Spaghetti
45. Sauce, Tomato (1/2 inch headspace)
46. Sauce, Other sauce not previously listed (specify type)

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



Enter food in clear, standard pint or half-pint canning jars with two-part rings and lids. Fill pint or half-pint size jars 3/4 full. Jars for dried foods do not need to be vacuum sealed. Judging is based on uniformity in size and shape of neatly cut pieces, color and flavor (should be similar to fresh product), texture, and cleanliness. Jar bands should be clean and free of rust, inside and out.

1. Fruit, Apples
2. Fruit, Bananas
3. Fruit, Grapes (raisins)
4. Fruit, Peaches
5. Fruit, Pineapple
6. Fruit, Strawberries
7. Fruit, Other not previously listed (specify type)
8. Herbs, any (specify type)
9. Leather, Fruit (specify type)
10. Meat (specify type)
11. Mushrooms
12. Vegetables, Onions
13. Vegetables, Peppers
14. Vegetables, Pumpkin
15. Vegetables, Tomatoes
16. Vegetables, Other not previously listed (specify type)

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



Syrup should be in clear glass standard pint or quart jars. Metal ring should be left on to protect the seal. Jar bands should be clean and free of rust, inside and out. Sugar cakes must be on a plain white disposable plate, enclosed in a plastic bag.

1. Light Amber
2. Amber
3. Dark Amber
4. Sugar Cakes (3)

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



Jars for this Section may be in standard quart or pint canning jar with metal ring and lid or in a clear glass honey jar, using size-appropriate labeling method as described under “Canned Goods” entry requirements.

1. Extracted Liquid Honey (1 jar)
2. Broken Comb Honey (1 jar)
3. Section Comb Honey (1 section)

PRIZES: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00



A. Items must be displayed in a basket, decorated box or tray and contain at least 5 items from across Department D classes related to the category

B. All canned goods should be exhibited in clear American standard quart, pint and a half, pint, half pint or fourth pint jars.

C. Baked items must be exhibited on plain white disposable plates, enclosed in plastic bags.

D. Items are judged on quality of products, display/decoration, and class theme.

E. All items should be home-canned or home-baked by the entrant (no purchased products or unbaked mixes, please)

1. Meal Basket (1 canned meat, 2 canned vegetable, 1 canned fruit, 1 baked item)
2. Brunch Basket (5 canned and/or baked items related to Brunch)
3. Pickle Basket (5 different canned pickle items as listed in Section IX)
4. Jams & Jellies Basket (5 different items as listed in Section VIII)
5. Maple Products Basket (5 different Maple-related items – may be from Section XIII and/or selected Baked Goods that are flavored with Maple Syrup. These should be home-canned or prepared items.)
6. Holiday Theme Basket (5 items pulled together for a Holiday from across any Department D Classes)

PRIZES: 1st, $5.00; 2nd, $4.00; 3rd, $3.00